As your constituent and someone who has paid into Social Security my entire working life, I am concerned about the agenda now underway in Washington to target Social Security with deep cuts.
Congress has created a Social Security crisis where there isn't one — currently the Social Security Trust Fund has a surplus of $2.8 trillion! Yet lawmakers have put Social Security on a collision course that will devastate this program and reduce the benefits that millions of Americans depend on to survive.
That’s why I’m writing to you today to remind you:
Social Security is our government’s most successful and popular program, and any cut to benefits would endanger the well-being of millions of current and future recipients and their families.
Social Security is an insurance policy that millions of American citizens deserve to receive if they cannot work because of a disability.
Social Security is an earned benefit that American workers pay for throughout their productive lives. It is not an “entitlement” and it is not a handout.
At a time when more Americans than ever before are counting on their earned benefits for a secure retirement and a minimal safety net, Congress should be working to support, protect and strengthen Social Security. That’s why I urge you to work closely with the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare as you consider legislation that could impact earned benefits.